Dependency injection in Ember.js - First steps

01 May 2014

Dependency injection (DI) is a less-known, yet powerful feature of the framework we know and love called Ember.js. It works through the container and is comprised of two parts: registration and injection.

The framework itself uses it so that the objects instantiated through the container have the dependencies correctly initialized on them (for the theoretical programmers out there, the Ember DI system is thus probably considered a construction-time DI). The API methods are exposed to application developers for them to register and inject their own objects.

In this first blog post, I'll introduce the main concepts. In a couple of further blog posts I intend to dig deeper, give examples of what it can be used for and show a few gotchas.

Step 1 - Registration

To be able to inject an entity onto others it first has to be registered on the container. Think of the container as the birthplace of objects in Ember. It knows how to instantiate objects and look up factories by their name.

Throughout the post, I'll use the example of a store. If you have worked with ember-data, the store is the principal piece. It creates model objects and finds them by their type, id or other criteria so you probably want it to be accessible from routes and controllers alike.

If you have not come through such a store, don't despair. It is but a handy example to illustrate dependency injection and how it works for a singleton object.

Let's assume we have a reference to the store "class" in a variable called Store. To register said store, we write the following:

2  name: "store",
4  initialize: function(container, application) {
5    container.register('store:main', Store, { singleton: true });
6  }

The container now knows the store by the name store:main. That is the name it has to be referred by subsequently. The singleton: true option instructs the container not to instantiate a new object each time but use a singleton instead.

Step 2 - Injection

Once the object/factory is registered, it can be used on other objects in the application. As mentioned above, a store is best used from controllers and routes. So let's inject them there:

 2  name: "injectStore",
 3  before: "store",
 5  initialize: function(container, application) {
 6    application.inject('controller', 'store', 'store:main');
 7    application.inject('route', 'store', 'store:main');
 8  }

The main method, application.inject takes as its first argument the object(s) where we want the injection to happen, then the injected name and then the name of what should be injected. The "what should be injected" has to be the same name we had registered the object previously with.

The first parameter, controller and route define what is called a type injection. This means the injected name will be available on all instances of the type, all controllers and routes in this case. The injected name is store and it refers to a single instance of the store class since that's how we defined it at registration time.

We could also just define a simple injection. In a somewhat hypotethical example, let's assume we only need the store on the artists route. We write the following to achieve that:

2  name: "injectStore",
3  before: "store",
5  initialize: function(container, application) {
6    application.inject('route:artists', 'store', 'store:main');
7  }

Step 3 - Putting the two pieces together

Let's say we want to create an artist object in a route and that creating objects happens through the store (as it does in ember-data, e.g). The following snippets set up the injection:

 2  name: "store",
 4  initialize: function(container, application) {
 5    container.register('store:main', App.Store, { singleton: true });
 6  }
10  name: "injectStore",
11  before: "store",
13  initialize: function(container, application) {
14    application.inject('route', 'store', 'store:main');
15  }

This makes the singleton instance of the store available on all routes of the application so we could, for example, write this:

1App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
2  model: function() {
3    return'artist');
4  }

I also created a jsbin to show this in action, although admittedly there is little action at this point.

Why DI?

This is all fine and dandy, but what problems does dependency injection solve? First and foremost, it decouples the pieces of your application. Dependencies are not hardcoded but injected at construction time. This makes your components easier to use together since pieces can be swapped in and out as needed.

It is also the de facto way of adding the objects that are not provided by Ember.js to your application. The store is an example of such an object but you can also add analytics integration, a pool of workers and other fancy things easily.

An added benefit is improved unit testing since you can inject mocks as cooperators and verify calls made on those.

We are going to look at other aspects of DI in Ember.js in more detail in a next post. Stay tuned and prepare your mojitos.